Secure Logistics

Home 9 Our Services 9 Secure Logistics

We provide these services throughout the country. As part of that service, we always arrange for appropriately secure logistics to get the material to one of our plants for destruction.

Depending on the sensitivity of the material and the customer’s needs, this can range from locked and sealed semi-trailers to security escorted armored vehicles.

In order for us to maintain our NAID AAA certification, one of the requirements is a specific chain of custody and whether we utilize our own fleet of semi’s or a trusted subcontractor.

You can be rest assured that we manage the material from the point of collection through the point of destruction.

Customers include various governmental entities’ including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), customs and border protection – ICE immigration customs, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Homeland security and a variety of Fortune 500 Companies including the healthcare industry, product manufacturers and suppliers, Insurance and legal Organizations, and more!



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